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How does a police verification for a working person happen?

Posted by OHMYPLACE on 11/08/2022

If you are working professional and single person presently work in Delhi NCR and have a valid Aadhar and Company ID, then yes, you may. You may also complete the Tenant Verification form online with the Noida Police in Uttar Pradesh to register and verify your tenant. Use the Noida Police website to do so.

  1. Visit the website of Noida Police
  2. Click on Tenant Verification. If you want to fill the form in Hindi, you can chose it from the menu at left corner.
  3. Fill Landlord Details. Name, Office Address, Phone No. (Office), Permanent Address, Mobile No.
  4. Fill Tenant Details. Name, Father’s Name, Office Address, Phone No. (Office), Mobile No. (For verification code), Email-ID, Current Address, Total Members in Family.
  5. Attach scan copy of the documents. ID proof etc, Maximum Size 100 KB.
  6. Fill family members details. Name, age and relation of family members.
  7. Fill permanent address details. Address, Police Station, Phone No., Leaving Date (mm/dd/yyyy).
  8. Select Identity Proof Type, Enter Id Number and Address detail in ID.
  9. Sarpanch/Councillor of native place. Name and Mobile Number.
  10. Fill permanent address and submit.

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